Youth Economic Opportunity

Creating Youth Opportunities In El Salvador: Entrepreneurship, Job Creation, & Women’s Employment

Discover the journey of Gabi Garcia, the manager at Cochecito, a baby clothing boutique in San Salvador. Her experience highlights how small businesses are a lifeline for many young Salvadorians facing limited job opportunities. Through a TechnoServe program creating youth opportunities, small businesses like Cochecito are creating jobs, strengthening communities, and ensuring a brighter future for youth and women in El Salvador.

LIWAY program participants sorting recyclables, promoting environmental sustainability in Ethiopia

Livelihoods Improvement for Women and Youth (LIWAY)

The Ethiopia LIWAY program is a nine-year initiative implemented by TechnoServe alongside a consortium of partners. The program is funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands (EKN). It is working to create a more sustainable and inclusive job market for women and the youth.

Environmental Sustainability, Women's Economic Empowerment, Youth Economic Opportunity
Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency Sida