Women's Economic Empowerment

Coffee cherries in a basket

Coffee Alliance For Excellence (CAFE) and Mujeres CAFE

CAFE is a public-private partnership working to create a more prosperous and inclusive coffee sector. The program is helping 12,000 coffee farming families, many of them in former coca-growing regions, to earn more sustainable livelihoods by improving productivity and quality and building links to profitable markets.

Agriculture, Coffee, Women's Economic Empowerment
Althelia Ecosphere, Jacobs Douwe Egberts, Perhusa, U.S. Agency for International Development

How Women Agronomists in Ethiopia are Helping Improve Gender Equality

In Ethiopia, 75 percent of the work in the coffee value chain is carried out by women, whereas only 43 percent of the income is earned by those same women. Kebebushe is one of 79 agronomists working with Nespresso to support more than 40,000 coffee farmers with best farming practices, and to improve the status of women throughout the value chain.