Women's Economic Empowerment

Addressing Gender-Specific Challenges for Women Cashew Farmers in Benin

For women and girls in the developing world, COVID-19 is exacerbating existing inequities and creating new challenges. In Benin, women cashew farmers like Elisabeth Atchade must juggle many responsibilities, including earning money for the household while also taking on the majority of child care responsibilities. Learn how a TechnoServe program is helping women address these challenges and emerge from the crisis even stronger.

In South Africa, Fashion and Entrepreneurship Offer Women a Way Out of Poverty

As a young girl, Thato Ditsele dreamed of owning her own fashion business. However, life as a young entrepreneur outside of Johannesburg was not easy, and she ran into challenges along the way. Eventually, her dream came true and she was able to start her own clothing line. Through TechnoServe’s Box Shop program, she gained practical knowledge about finance, marketing, and branding, which helped her increase sales by 50%.

How to Safeguard the Livelihoods of Women Farmers and Entrepreneurs During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Among its many impacts, the COVID-19 pandemic has the potential to reverse recent gains to women’s economic empowerment. This article by TechnoServe Gender Director Cristina Manfre presents a strategy to ensure that the global community’s response to the pandemic safeguards against the risks to women’s livelihoods and enables them to help lead the economic recovery.

Empowered Mothers Empower the World

When we ask mothers around the world why they are working with TechnoServe to improve their incomes, we get a range of ambitious responses. But one response is nearly universal: a better life for their children. This Mother's Day, we are sharing the stories of just some of the many inspiring mothers TechnoServe has worked with around the globe, sharing their challenges and triumphs as they work to provide a better life for the next generation.