7 Faces of Tibetan Entrepreneurship
With TechnoServe’s support, enterprising Tibetans in India are building sustainable businesses and generating new economic opportunities.
With TechnoServe’s support, enterprising Tibetans in India are building sustainable businesses and generating new economic opportunities.
TechnoServe’s Simon Winter visits Peru and discovers a burgeoning cocoa industry.
The authors of the new book Everybody's Business discuss the relationship between big business and society, and why they were inspired to donate royalties from the book to TechnoServe after visiting fruit farmers in Uganda.
Partners in Food Solutions and TechnoServe are supporting small and growing food processors across sub-Saharan Africa.
Rose Amachi, an alumna and mentor of TechnoServe's Young Women in Enterprise program, is working to empower girls and young women in Nairobi's Kawangware slum.
After receiving support from TechnoServe, a crafts business in southern India is creating meaningful economic opportunities for disabled people in the community.
Citi Foundation and TechnoServe are working together to reduce youth unemployment in Uganda by teaching young women the knowledge and skills needed to start their own businesses.
The Accelerating Women Entrepreneurs in South African Metros (AWESAM) program aims to increase the economic participation of urban women and youth in the South African economy by converting subsistence-based businesses into high-growth and competitive ventures.
Entrepreneurs in a remote region of Chile are taking their businesses to the next level with support from TechnoServe’s Potencia Patagonia program.
Chetana, a 2009 TechnoServe business plan competition winner in southern India, is creating meaningful economic opportunities for disabled people in the community.