Breaking the Employment Barrier for Mumbai Youth
When underprivileged youth have access to the skills and opportunity to break into formal-sector employment, benefits spread to their families and communities.
When underprivileged youth have access to the skills and opportunity to break into formal-sector employment, benefits spread to their families and communities.
In Nairobi, volunteers from Citibank mentored young shopkeepers participating in the PAYED program, giving expert advice to help them build profitable enterprises for a better future.
This final report explores five years of impact through the Solutions for African Food Enterprises (SAFE), a public-private partnership between TechnoServe, Partners in Food Solutions and the United States Agency for International Development that aimed to increase the competitiveness of the African food processing sector and expand the availability of…
The Global Fortification Technical Advisory Group (of which TechnoServe is a member) proposes policy recommendations and guidelines for determining food fortification compliance.
BeniBiz is a business accelerator that aims to provide food and agribusiness entrepreneurs the skills they need to build prosperous businesses and economies, and food-secure communities.
In an article for the World Economic Forum, TechnoServe's Program Director for Central America Entrepreneurship discusses ways to engage entrepreneurs in practices that not only benefit women workeres and suppliers, but help solve some of the most common issues facing small and medium businesses.
Closing the gender gap is essential to economic growth in Africa, where women generally have less access to education, training, financial services, and assets than men do. Dace Mahanay, TechnoServe's Regional Director for the STRYDE program, discusses keys to supporting young women's business success.
In only four years, Mozambique cashew farmers have planted more than 500,000 cashew seedlings, while burgeoning processing plants across the country work to connect these booming yields with premium markets.
While teaching TechnoServe’s entrepreneurship curriculum in their classrooms, two teachers put the lessons in action, launching a local water purification project with their students.
In Tanzania, where the cocoa market is dominated by men, TechnoServe is working to provide women the business skills, roles models, and confidence they need to start their own cocoa businesses and boost their communities’ cocoa economies.