Survey Results: Impact of COVID-19 on Micro-Retail Businesses
Read the results from TechnoServe's survey of 337 micro-retail program participants about the impact COVID-19 has had on their businesses.
Read the results from TechnoServe's survey of 337 micro-retail program participants about the impact COVID-19 has had on their businesses.
Young people around the world are facing more challenges than ever as they enter the workforce. Many youth are experiencing canceled graduations, lack of job opportunities, and economic uncertainty. TechnoServe helps young people in the developing world access the information, capital, and markets they need to overcome tremendous obstacles and create their own economic opportunities. Today we are sharing the story of Gilbert Tarus, a 25-year-old entrepreneur from western Kenya.
TechnoServe and the Mastercard Foundation partnered to help over 68,000 young people acquire the technical and soft skills needed to generate their own opportunities and increase their incomes through the Strengthening Rural Youth Development through Enterprise program.
TechnoServe's Alice Waweru and Juan Carlos Thomas write for the World Economic Forum's Agenda about how to provide effective support to entrepreneurs during the COVID-19 crisis.
TechnoServe's chief transformation officer, Kindra Halvorson, writes in Agrilinks about the importance of supporting African businesses to avoid food crises in the region.
To commemorate World Food Safety Day, we take a look at how creative food processor trainings are helping improve consumer safety in Africa — and prove especially important during the COVID-19 pandemic.
To mark World Food Safety Day, Jonathan Thomas writes in Agrilinks about the work of TechnoServe's Alliance for Inclusive and Nutritious Food Processing in East and Southern Africa.
Learn how TechnoServe's entrepreneurship practice is supporting small businesses with survival and recovery in the face of the COVID-19 crisis.
In Mozambique, micro-retailers provide essential food and household goods to consumers. However, these entrepreneurs are facing new challenges as they try to adapt to the impact of COVID-19. TechnoServe surveyed micro-retailers to identify their biggest challenges in this changing environment in order to shape an effective response.
This Stanford Social Innovation Review article highlights the success of TechnoServe's Impulsa tu Empresa program in helping entrepreneurs during a crisis.