Clean Water from the Classroom, for the Community
While teaching TechnoServe’s entrepreneurship curriculum in their classrooms, two teachers put the lessons in action, launching a local water purification project with their students.
While teaching TechnoServe’s entrepreneurship curriculum in their classrooms, two teachers put the lessons in action, launching a local water purification project with their students.
In Tanzania, where the cocoa market is dominated by men, TechnoServe is working to provide women the business skills, roles models, and confidence they need to start their own cocoa businesses and boost their communities’ cocoa economies.
In an op-ed for NextBillion, TechnoServe's Program Director for Central America Entrepreneurship discusses how to adapt curriculums and mentorship styles to help today's youth to understand and create better business futures.
As 11 million young people enter the African workforce each year, the STRYDE program is training schools to give students the tools and the confidence they need to create their own jobs through innovative enterprise development.
For global entrepreneurship week, we talked with TechnoServe’s Global Director of Entrepreneurship, Juan Carlos Thomas, about leveraging learning opportunities to improve the efficiency, replicability, and sustainability of enterprise development initiatives.
Jessica Vargas started Le Blanc laundry services with a single washer and dryer. Now, her business has more than doubled, providing key services and employment to her community.
Continents apart, a bakery owner in Kenya and a food scientist in Minnesota team up to develop delicious new products that boost nutrition for local communities.
In an op-ed for Business Fights Poverty, TechnoServe's Kindra Halvorson discusses how strong food processing businesses are key to improving Africa's agricultural sector, with the potential to increase the incomes of local farmers, create formal jobs, and increase the availability of affordable, safe, and nutritious food for the region’s consumers.
Industry, government, and civil leaders gathered in Nairobi, Kenya to launch a joint initiative to build healthier economies and communities through food fortification
Our 2016 Annual Report shared several stories of how TechnoServe projects around the world are creating business solutions with the power to improve lives, including the story of Horsin Kalikeka, whose specially outfitted bicycle helped him to increase his income while improving his community's access to nutritious foods.