Helping African Food Businesses Recover from the COVID-19 Pandemic
This series of business profiles and case studies explores how COVID-19 impacted food processors and how financial and technical assistance helped them recover.
This series of business profiles and case studies explores how COVID-19 impacted food processors and how financial and technical assistance helped them recover.
Writing for the Vikara Institute's MSD Hub, TechnoServe's Sarah Bove describes how the WIN program is using mass media to support women's entrepreneurship in Mozambique
After partnering with TechnoServe, Lúcia Arão Ndimande gained the confidence and skills to take her small shop to the next level.
"The best thing that happened to me was to join this program."
Through TechnoServe’s BeniBiz program, young entrepreneurs like Babatundé Oguidi are getting the training and technical advice they need to run successful micro-enterprises.
The women behind Mishky Cacao decided to create a safer future for their families and community – transitioning from coca to cocoa production and generating new value by manufacturing chocolate.
The CRESCER 2.0 program will reach 4,170 participants and support more than 1,000 jobs
Two of TechnoServe's experts share lessons learned from a partnership with Citi Foundation and how employees can effectively meet the needs of development initiative participants.
In this iBAN article, TechnoServe's Alice Waweru and Elsie Njoki describe how Citi employees' expertise is helping Kenyan shopkeepers succeed.
A woman who needed healthy food for her young son used her ingenuity to place herself on the path of success by starting her own business. Today, she is an entrepreneur with big plans for the future.