
TechnoServe Logomark

The “One-Click” Small Business Solution

TechnoServe is partnering with Okta to develop a bundled tech, or “one-click” platform, that will enable small business owners in low-income countries to seamlessly manage their operations and improve their enterprises.

Entrepreneurship, Micro-Retail, Small and Growing Businesses, Technology
Fact Sheets
TechnoServe Logomark

Building Farmers’ Resilience to the Fertilizer Crisis in Peru

Facing synthetic fertilizer shortages and price hikes due to the conflict in Ukraine, farmers in Peru are quickly turning to alternatives. Programs like CAFE can support alternative fertilizer adoption through supporting local businesses and stakeholders, encouraging reduction, not elimination, of fertilizer use; and presenting alternatives that benefit both farmers and the environment

Agriculture, Food Processing, Food Security
In The News

Women IN Business (WIN) Participates in the Annual Market Systems Symposium, 2022 (MSS 2022)

TechnoServe through the WIN program participated for the first time in the annual Market Systems Symposium (“Market Systems Symposim”), 2022, organized by the Vikara Institute. This event is an excellent space for debate, learning and sharing of experiences from different communities acting globally in the area of Market Systems…