Ode to Nuts
National Nut Day celebrates the huge nutritional and economic value that comes in small nutty packages.
National Nut Day celebrates the huge nutritional and economic value that comes in small nutty packages.
The MozaCajú project teaches cashew farmers in northern Mozambique improved commercialization techniques to boost profits from their harvest.
With technical expertise and training from TechnoServe, a Benin-based company has established a world-class cashew processing facility that prioritizes social and environmental responsibility.
Over 60 percent of Nigeria’s population lives in poverty, while women suffer the greatest effects. Processing cashew by-products poses a unique opportunity for women’s inclusive economic diversification.
The official ceremony launching the project BeninCajù was held Thursday, June 2 in Cotonou, with representatives from the Government of Benin and the Director of USAID Benin.
TechnoServe's MozaCajú program is helping link small farmers in Mozambique like Daniel Mochono to some of the world's largest retailers.
This manual, which acts as the foundation for each of the various MozaCajú trainings that are given to cashew producers, details the actions required at various stages of production, including planting, cleaning and pruning, chemical control of pests and disease, harvest and post-harvest and commercialization.
Cashew Nut Processor Competitiveness Analysis – Mozambique aims to provide a comprehensive view on the Status Quo of the Mozambican Cashew Nut Industry, its current key players on the private and public sector, its history and a brief evaluation of the policies that regulate the industry. The document also focusses…
This report describes the history of the Mozambican Cashew Industry, current key players in the private and public sector, and a brief evaluation of the policies that regulate the industry. The report focuses on mapping out the costs of cashew processing in Mozambique and benchmarking the competitiveness of the industry.
The Acceso Cashew Enterprise is improving market efficiency and farming practices in the Ratnagiri district of India’s Maharashtra state.