Three Ways Businesses Can Boost Sustainable Development
TechnoServe's president offers on-the-ground insights on how to leverage the power of private enterprise to transform lives.
TechnoServe's president offers on-the-ground insights on how to leverage the power of private enterprise to transform lives.
With help from TechnoServe and our partners, Haitians are creating inspiring success stories after a devastating earthquake.
Taking a holistic market system approach, TechnoServe is helping to transform the Mozambican cashew industry and improve the livelihoods of thousands of small-scale farmers and cashew processors.
A young Kenyan farming entrepreneur demonstrates why youth are critical to transforming agriculture and ensuring food security in Africa.
FinAgro is a program funded by USAID and the Government of Mozambique designed to increase the competitiveness of the Mozambican private sector in selected cash crops and value chains.
The members of the Muoho Cocoa Farmer Group are hard at work, even as the sound of their laughter echoes through the cocoa forest. They sit around a huge mound of harvested cocoa pods. Each one must be broken open to remove the pulp and beans inside, a job that…
Creative mobile solutions are addressing major challenges in the agriculture industry, providing benefits for both farmers and agribusinesses.
Contract farming holds the potential to benefit both smallholders and businesses, while improving sustainability along agricultural supply chains.
Nespresso and TechnoServe are partnering in South Sudan to build a coffee industry that could provide a sustainable source of income for thousands of rural families.
TechnoServe and Nespresso are expanding their partnership to support coffee farming families in Kenya, Ethiopia and South Sudan.