How Good Coffee Becomes Good Business for African Farmers
In partnership with the Gates Foundation, TechnoServe has helped thousands of East Africa’s smallholder farmers enter the supply chain for specialty coffee and earn higher incomes.
In partnership with the Gates Foundation, TechnoServe has helped thousands of East Africa’s smallholder farmers enter the supply chain for specialty coffee and earn higher incomes.
TechnoServe helped to show how a new way of working with the supply chain can unlock the potential of Ghana’s smallholder farmers.
As demand for cocoa outpaces supply, smallholder farmers hold the key to ensuring a sweet and sustainable future for chocolate.
This briefing from the Initiative for Smallholder Finance Coffee Initiative offers a case study of TechnoServe’s Coffee Initiative, focusing on how technical assistance can increase access to finance for smallholder farmers, achieve scale and generate value for an industry.
The Guardian highlights TechnoServe’s innovative work with smallholder farmers and explores the role of for-profit companies in supporting agriculture in the developing world.
The Kenya Market Assistance Program helped to promote employment and income generation in various market systems in Kenya by addressing key constraints to growth in these sectors.
Like many young women and men in Rwanda, Eugenie struggled to make ends meet, until she applied the skills she learned through TechnoServe's STRYDE training to assess and meet an important need in her community.
Through a $1 million grant from the Walmart Foundation, TechnoServe helped raise the incomes of 6,000 Nigerian cashew farmers through training on good agronomic practices, farming as a business, and improved methods for harvest and post-harvest handling.
TechnoServe’s effort to connect Malawian farmers with agricultural innovators in India offers a unique model for South-South cooperation.
TechnoServe's president offers on-the-ground insights on how to leverage the power of private enterprise to transform lives.