A Road to Progress in Mozambique
A fruit farm in Nampula Province uses capital from an agribusiness fund to improve its farm and benefit their community at the same time.
A fruit farm in Nampula Province uses capital from an agribusiness fund to improve its farm and benefit their community at the same time.
TechnoServe with funding from the European Union is reaching programming to help enable the European Commission to achieve the goal of helping to address core issues currently faced by agricultural industry players and poor households in Zimbabwe, as well as inform future thinking and program design.
TechnoServe together with the Trade Facilitation Office of Canada, Global Affairs Canada, and Canadian coffee chain Tim Hortons is implementing a four-year initiative to train 1,000 farmers in agronomic and sustainability practices in eastern Guatemala and improve their productivity by 25 percent.
With support from luxury clothing brand Edun, TechnoServe launched the Conservation Cotton Initiative in 2011. The first phase of the program benefitted an estimated 59,745 people from 2011 to 2013 and managed to establish 150 producer business groups to better link farmers to markets.
Some of the highest quality coffee in the world comes from the Sidama Zone of Ethiopia, produced primarily by 200,000 smallholder farming families, most of whom continue to live in poverty due to small farm sizes and low productivity.
TechnoServe's MozaCajú program is helping link small farmers in Mozambique like Daniel Mochono to some of the world's largest retailers.
Reducing food loss can help to increase the amount of food that reaches market, helping to make the food system more sustainable. TechnoServe is working with The Rockefeller Foundation in Kenya to minimize food loss in the mango value chain.
The Propcom Mai-Karfi program in Nigeria is helping to increase access to tractors, which will aid farmers in increasing their yields.
With large rural populations in Africa, it can be difficult to reach farmers for training and traveling to training can be costly and time consuming for farmers. The Mobile Training Unit project is an innovative agricultural extension training approach, which allows for large groups of smallholder farmers to receive audio and visual training lessons in rural areas.
TechnoServe staff identified a gap in coffee supply chain in Honduras, and used the opportunity to improve economic outcomes for women.