
Global Coffee Prices Are Rising Again. Here Are 3 Ways Central American Farmers Can Benefit Long-Term

Global coffee prices are rising after several years at near-historic lows that prompted many farmers in Central America to immigrate elsewhere. But higher prices alone are not enough to sustain progress. To ensure long-term, profitable incomes, farmers need support establishing long-lasting market connections, developing climate-resilient growing techniques, and diversifying their incomes.

How Mango Cultivation in India Leads to Better Incomes for Farmers

Smallholder mango farmers in India rely on income from their fruit trees to support their families. But low productivity, limited access to markets, and water scarcity create obstacles to growth. A TechnoServe program is now helping these farmers access the knowledge and connections they need to sustainably increase their incomes.

Climate Change, Insecurity, and COVID-19: How Farmers in Northern Mozambique are Grappling with Crises on Multiple Fronts

In northern Mozambique, climate change, regional insecurity, and COVID-19 have combined to create immense challenges for farmers like Jacinta Fernando. A TechnoServe program is teaching these farmers how to grow soybean for the first time — a profitable cash crop that can help them improve their financial security and food security during times of crisis.