
Sustainable Coffee Farming: How Top Working is Shaping the Future of Coffee in Guatemala

Discover how regenerative coffee farming is transforming Guatemala’s coffee industry through TechnoServe’s CaféTec program. With sustainable techniques like Top Working, smallholder farmers can boost coffee yields, improve soil health, and strengthen resilience to climate change—all without disrupting production. Learn how these practices are helping Guatemala’s coffee sector thrive in the context of environmental challenges and economic pressures.

Woman picking ripe coffee cherries from a plant, symbolizing empowerment and sustainable farming in rural communities.

Women’s Leadership and Economic Empowerment in Peru’s Coffee Sector

Empowering women is one of the most effective ways to fight poverty. However, in agricultural supply chains like coffee, women face significant cultural and structural barriers. They often lack access to critical resources such as land, finance, and education—key tools for participating fully in the economy and contributing…

Agriculture, Coffee, Gender Equality, Women's Economic Empowerment
Case Studies