Caju Quality Application (Cajù)

Automatically calculate and share cashew quality (KOR) measurements

TechnoServe Labs has developed a free Android App to record, store and share field quality measurements of raw cashew nuts (RCN) using the kernel outturn ratio (KOR) calculation.

The app guides field techs through a step-by-step process of collecting 10-15 cashew quality metrics, including geo-tagged time-stamped photos moisture level, nut count, defective nut ratio and auto-calculated KOR scores. The app stores data both locally on the user’s Android phone and syncs data to a cloud database. Users can share KOR measurements with multiple buyers via sms or email.

The app was designed to standardize the process for collecting data and improve the accuracy of KOR metrics, in order to increase confidence between buyers and field techs.

Click here to download and use the Caju quality app for free from the Google Play store.