Works at the drying table at Hunda Oli Cooperative in Ethiopa

Maximizing Coffee Washing Station Profits: Results from Field Experiments

For AFCA 2025, TechnoServe shares research and guidelines for improving coffee cup quality and wet mill profitability.

Cup quality is the principal driver of a coffee’s market value and the income that farmers earn. While it is generally understood that pulper calibration, cherry ripeness and fermentation techniques influence coffee cup quality, efforts to quantify these impacts have been limited. As a result, coffee washing station management often prioritizes efficiency over these considerations.

At the 2025 Africa Fine Coffee Association Conference and Exhibition, TechnoServe will present findings from field trials that its partner Arkena conducted in Yirgacheffe, Ethiopia, as well as previous research carried out in East Africa, demonstrating how much money is being lost due to poor pulper calibration and the impact of cherry ripeness and fermentation technique on cup quality.

Field Experiment Reports

Wet Mill Resources

  • Coffee Wet Mill Processing Guide: A comprehensive resource to provide wet mill managers in East Africa with guidelines on preserving Arabica coffee bean quality during wet mill processing
  • Android Apps for Wet Mills: TechnoServe has developed a suite of tools to improve the profitability, sustainability, and transparency of wet mill operations:

Resources from Other Organizations

  • SPREAD 2008 Eco-Process Research Report: A study published from the National University of Rwanda evaluating the effect of pulping machine type and wet processing system on the cost of production and quality of specialty coffee in Rwanda