West Africa

A New Methodology for Teaching Finance

In Nicaragua, Iveth Juárez, a small business owner who processes and sells cereal to the local market, had attended seminars, workshops, courses and training sessions on accounting and finance. But at the end of each session, she always felt the same sense of confusion.

A Business Community Chips In

Like all of TechnoServe’s business plan competitions, Africa’s first Believe Begin Become, held in 2006, was the work of many partners. More than 70 supporters— ranging from Ghanaian academics and businesses to international corporations— contributed money, products or services. This ensured that by the time Joseph Tackie took first prize…

New Business Gets Off to a Fresh Start

Isaac Bohulu’s idea for a natural medicine business was literally rooted in his backyard. The pharmacist from Accra, Ghana used extracts from a large Neem tree behind his house to create Neemfresh, an herbal mouthwash. After entering his idea to produce a commercial version of this mouthwash in TechnoServe’s…