
In Uganda, Meet the Woman Excelling in a Male-Dominated Industry

Young women in Uganda can face significant challenges as they seek employment outside of the home. Moureen Nakisozi had always dreamed of becoming a welder but struggled to make that dream a reality without the necessary training. After joining a TechnoServe program, she was matched with a mentor and received the business and technical skills she needed to start her welding career.

What is Unpaid Care Work and How Does it Impact Women in the Developing World?

When the first cases of COVID-19 emerged early last year, the phrase “Stay Home, Stay Healthy” took on new meaning. But for many women around the globe, “staying home” was not a pre-pandemic choice, and it will remain a reality long after the health crisis is over. Learn how TechnoServe is working to find and implement solutions that free up time for women to pursue their economic dreams outside of the home.

People picking up coffee cherries

Survey Results: Effects of COVID-19 on Uganda Coffee Farmers

In partnership with Laterite, we conducted a July 2020 survey about the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on coffee farming in Uganda. Discover key results in the infographics below. View All Infographics July 2020 Survey…

Agriculture, Coffee, COVID-19
Infographics, White Papers & Reports

How One Teacher in Uganda Is Educating His Community and Building a Business

Young people around the world are facing significant challenges as they enter the workforce, including lack of job opportunities and economic uncertainty. TechnoServe helps young people in the developing world access the information, capital, and markets they need to overcome tremendous obstacles and create their own economic opportunities. Today we are sharing the story of Kamya Yeseri, a young teacher in Uganda who used the skills he gained in a TechnoServe program to open a school in his community and build a business.

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Women Mean Business Impact Audit Report from ImpactMatters

In 2017, TechnoServe engaged ImpactMatters, an impact audit firm founded with support from Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA), to review several projects within our portfolio. Training and mentorship programs aimed to help SMEs develop business expansion strategies in Uganda helped women-led businesses increase monthly revenues by 22 percent and take…

Women's Economic Empowerment