Southern Africa

Quiz: How much do you know about the gender gap? 

The World Economic Forum recently published its annual report on the global gender gap with more information on modern gender disparities across different industries. TechnoServe works globally to economically empower women with programs that help women entrepreneurs develop their businesses. How much do you know about the gender gap?  In…

Sarah LaFleur’s Journey from TechnoServe Fellow to M.M.LaFleur Founder

Editor’s Note: Originally posted on December 7, 2017 under the title, “Just Get Up and Do Something” – Updated version published on July 20, 2023 under the new title, “Sarah LaFleur’s Journey from TechnoServe Fellow to M.M.LaFleur Founder” Sarah LaFleur, a TechnoServe Fellow in South…

WIN celebrated the end of a five-year cycle promoting women’s economic empowerment in Mozambique

The Women IN Business program, celebrated on May 31st, the end of its implementation cycle in Mozambique. WIN aimed to accelerate the economic empowerment of micro-entrepreneurs, through smart partnerships with private and public sector companies, which proved to be able to test models, promoting changes in the market, thus minimizing…

FTF Premier: Food Processing Mapping

This Food Processing Mapping was carried out between October 2022 – January 2023 as part of a series of studies designed to provide background context and strategic recommendations to inform FTF Premier’s strategy and workplan development. FTF Premier is a 5-year, USAID supported agricultural markets program with a goal of…

Food Processing

Private sector companies explore WIN tools to accelerate gender inclusion in their operations

Women IN Business -WIN program, implemented by TechnoServe in partnership with the Brilho program implemented by SNV, supported three companies directly to conduct studies to enable them to have greater gender inclusion within their framework, which includes employees, distributors and customers. SolarWorks, Ignite Mozambique, and Epsilon Energia Solar,…