The Business Case for Fortification
The SAPFF program published this study explaining why it makes business sense for Nigerian food processors to properly fortify their products.
The SAPFF program published this study explaining why it makes business sense for Nigerian food processors to properly fortify their products.
Earlier this month, women leaders in northern Nigeria gathered in Jigawa state for the first annual Rural Women Leadership Forum hosted by TechnoServe and the ExxonMobil Foundation.
Business and government leaders gathered in Lagos, Nigeria, to pledge their commitment to improve the country’s nutrition, health, and economic development through food fortification.
The Pan-African Youth Entrepreneur Development (PAYED) program will provide training and tailored advisory support 600 young entrepreneurs in Kenya, Nigeria, and Côte d’Ivoire to develop opportunities in the micro-retail sector.
TechnoServe and Syngenta partnered to increase the incomes of tomato and rice farmers in Nigeria by training them in best agricultural and post-harvest practices and connecting them with the inputs and networks they need to make their farming businesses thrive.
TechnoServe convened leaders from the private and public sector in Lagos, Nigeria, to launch an initiative that will address malnutrition through food fortification.
“Hidden hunger” is a form of undernutrition affecting millions of people in sub-Saharan Africa. Food fortification is a cost-effective strategy for addressing hidden hunger, helping people to access the nutrition they need.
In communities like Kubacha, Nigeria, Sunlight Water Centers are providing access to clean, safe water and freeing up thousands of hours of productive time for women and girls.
Application booklet for women entrepreneurs seeking to operate Sunlight Water Centres in Nigeria…
An innovative retail model is allowing women business leaders like Charity Dangana to sell safe and affordable water in their communities.