Addressing Youth Unemployment in Latin America
By engaging youth in entrepreneurship and agriculture, TechnoServe is working to create sustainable growth in the region.
By engaging youth in entrepreneurship and agriculture, TechnoServe is working to create sustainable growth in the region.
Maritza Sobalvarro, a coffee farmer in Nicaragua, is using lessons learned from the Better Coffee Harvest project to rebuild her farm.
TechnoServe’s Cosechemos Más Café (Better Coffee Harvest) project, in partnership with the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the J.M. Smucker Company, and the PIMCO Foundation, seeks to boost the productivity and the quality of the coffee produced by smallholder farmers of El Salvador and…
The Impulsa Tu Empresa (“Boost Your Business”) program is a business accelerator program, which aims to help 850 small and growing businesses across Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua and Burkina Faso. With support from the Argidius Foundation, the Multilateral Investment Fund, the Walmart Foundation, the Citi Foundation and the PIMCO…
Over 2,900 coffee farmers are benefiting from a gender-balanced TechnoServe training team in Nicaragua.
Ganadería Empresarial (GANE) aimed to improve the livelihoods of smallholder livestock producers in Nicaragua. With support from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, TechnoServe helped 5,500 farmers increase productivity, strengthen producer organizations and connect to higher-value markets.
TechnoServe implemented a two-year initiative that targeted women in women’s business groups (WBGs) who were working in value addition or commercialization.
In 2010, university student Julio Baltodano surveyed the local apparel industry in Managua, Nicaragua, and devised a clever business idea. Together with his friend Verónica Bucardo, Julio envisioned IKO Imagen as a leather and textile manufacturer that would specialize in handbags and brand merchandising, or placing company logos on t-shirts…
Impulsa Tu Empresa aims to help small and growing businesses boost their growth through mentoring and business training. Since its launch in 2012, the program has increased the sales of over 1,500 businesses and helped create 1,600 new jobs in Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Colombia, and Burkina Faso.
On a farm in the northern Nicaraguan town of Chagüite Grande, Melvin Estrada tends to his cabbage crop. He and his hired workers pick the plants, inspect them for quality and load them into a truck bound for a local collection center – and eventually a major supermarket. Melvin used…