
Mexican Strawberry Farmers Cultivate Success

Ramiro Silva has grown strawberries in central Mexico for over 20 years. But despite his many years of experience, he often struggled to control plant diseases and pests around the farm. He also sold through intermediaries, earning limited money from his crops. After joining a TechnoServe program, Ramiro gained the skills and connections he needed to improve his production and increase his income.

Fruit Producers in Mexico Build Resilience to COVID-19 Threats

The COVID-19 pandemic has created new challenges for fruit farmers in Mexico as they try to find markets for their produce amidst shutdowns and shifts in consumer behavior. TechnoServe is helping farmers like Eloy Castañón connect to formal buyers and earn better prices for their produce, ensuring resilience during an uncertain time.

A New Methodology for Teaching Finance

In Nicaragua, Iveth Juárez, a small business owner who processes and sells cereal to the local market, had attended seminars, workshops, courses and training sessions on accounting and finance. But at the end of each session, she always felt the same sense of confusion.