COVID-19 and Entrepreneurs in the Developing World: Supporting Business Survival and Recovery
Learn how TechnoServe's entrepreneurship practice is supporting small businesses with survival and recovery in the face of the COVID-19 crisis.
Learn how TechnoServe's entrepreneurship practice is supporting small businesses with survival and recovery in the face of the COVID-19 crisis.
TechnoServe's guide for supporting smallholder farmers through response, recovery, and resiliency in the face of COVID-19.
In 2017, TechnoServe engaged ImpactMatters, an impact audit firm founded with support from Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA), to review several projects within our portfolio. This impact audit reviews the Impulsa Tu Empresa program implemented in El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua from 2013 to 2017.
Cashew is Key; Beneficiary Spotlight: Beatrice Njau; Tools Help Micro-Retailers; New Initiative Leverages Technology for Greater Social Impact; and more.
Coffee & Women’s Economic Empowerment; Young Women in Mumbai Breaking Employment Barriers; Women Agronomists in Ethiopia Improving Gender Equality; and more.
Breaking New Ground for Congolese Coffee; Integrated Techniques Bring Success to Smallholder Farmers and the Environment; Paving the Way for a Drug-Free Peru; and more.
Lessons learned from TechnoServe’s work with SGBs in Central America, based on research conducted by Emory University and the Impulsa Tu Empresa program.
How the Ganaderia Empresarial (GANE) project transformed Nicaragua’s livestock sector and worked with smallholder farmers to increase their productivity, quality and market access.
How a five-year program helped to transform Peru’s cocoa sector and improved smallholders’ livelihoods in the regions of San Martín, Huánuco and Ucayali.