Latin America and the Caribbean

What Is Food Security and How Does it Affect the World in 2021?

With world hunger reaching its highest peak since 2006, solutions addressing each link in the food system are essential. Drawing from TechnoServe's work across value chains with a range of public and private partners, we are highlighting the latest challenges, insights, and promising approaches in the current effort to prevent widespread food insecurity and build greater long-term resilience.

Global Coffee Prices Are Rising Again. Here Are 3 Ways Central American Farmers Can Benefit Long-Term

Global coffee prices are rising after several years at near-historic lows that prompted many farmers in Central America to immigrate elsewhere. But higher prices alone are not enough to sustain progress. To ensure long-term, profitable incomes, farmers need support establishing long-lasting market connections, developing climate-resilient growing techniques, and diversifying their incomes.

What is the Role of Digitalization in a Post-COVID World?

When the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted the livelihoods of millions of entrepreneurs last year, digitalization offered small businesses around the world a promising solution. In this Q&A, TechnoServe’s Global Entrepreneurship Director, Juan Carlos Thomas, speaks with the Executive Director of the Argidius Foundation, Nicholas Colloff, and Dalberg Advisors’ Global Knowledge Lead, Kusi Hornberger, about the future of digital technology for supporting entrepreneurs.

Building Climate Resilience in Puerto Rican Coffee Communities

After Hurricane Maria in 2017, Puerto Rico lost an estimated 80% of its coffee trees, crippling an entire industry and leaving many coffee farmers reeling. Today, TechnoServe is working to revive the industry by helping thousands of smallholder coffee farmers significantly increase their yields and boost their resilience to future threats.

In Nicaragua, Helping Farmers Build Resilience to Climate Threats

Over the years, Rosa Gonzales has seen firsthand how climate change has impacted her small farm. After joining a TechnoServe program, she learned techniques to improve her resilience to climate threats and is now transforming her old banana trees into new opportunities for her farm and family.