Grocery Shops Need Help to Weather Covid Storm
Writing for Business Daily, TechnoServe's Alice Waweru and Citi's Martin Mugambi discuss the importance of micro-retailers during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Writing for Business Daily, TechnoServe's Alice Waweru and Citi's Martin Mugambi discuss the importance of micro-retailers during the COVID-19 pandemic.
TechnoServe and the Mastercard Foundation recently launched the Micro-Enterprises Strengthened for Pandemic Adaptation and Resilience in Kenya (mSPARK) program, a one-year partnership to support 28,000 entrepreneurs as they navigate the COVID-19 pandemic and ultimately move toward economic recovery.
TechnoServe and the Mastercard Foundation are partnering on a new program to support entrepreneurs in Kenya as they navigate the COVID-19 crisis and ultimately move toward economic recovery.
Nairobi, Kenya – This month, international nonprofit TechnoServe and the Mastercard Foundation announced the launch of the Micro-Enterprises Strengthened for Pandemic Adaptation and Resilience in Kenya (mSPARK) program, a one-year partnership to help 28,000 entrepreneurs respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. Kenya’s micro, small, and medium-sized enterprise (MSME) sector…
Mom and pop shops are the economic – and often social – backbone of Nairobi, especially in the city’s informal settlements. Store owners like Cosmas are learning simple business fixes that can help their stores, and the communities they serve, to thrive.
In partnership with Laterite, we conducted a survey about the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on coffee farming in Ethiopia and Kenya in June 2020. Discover key results in the infographics below and attached. View All Infographics …
A survey of food processing firms in seven African countries reveals the challenges facing the sector during the COVID-19 pandemic.
For the past three years, TechnoServe has partnered with Citi Foundation to celebrate Global Community Day — an opportunity to give back to local communities through service. This year, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Citi is partnering with TechnoServe’s Smart Duka program to distribute care packages to children’s homes and senior homes in Nairobi, Kenya.
Unable to find employment in his community, Francis Kihara ended up in prison. Watch our video to see how the STRYDE program helped him learn the confidence and skills he needed to start a new business and rebuild his life.
Read the results from TechnoServe's survey of 337 micro-retail program participants about the impact COVID-19 has had on their businesses.