Enterprising Girls Making a Difference: Young Women in Enterprise
The Young Women in Enterprise report highlights accomplishments and case studies from the program, funded by the Nike Foundation.
The Young Women in Enterprise report highlights accomplishments and case studies from the program, funded by the Nike Foundation.
As TechnoServe prepares to celebrate World Water Day, we highlight a partnership in Ethiopia that is showing coffee wet mill owners a smarter method for treating wastewater and protecting their watershed.
Across East Africa, the Strengthening Rural Youth Development through Enterprise (STRYDE) program is creating new opportunities for young people in rural areas.
The Conservation Cotton Initiative in northern Uganda is helping farmers like Francis Obwana rebuild their lives after decades of violent conflict.
Staple crops like maize, soy and bean can provide much more than just subsistence for smallholders, they can also increase income, create jobs and improve food security. The Storage and Proper Post-Harvest Improvements for Resource Efficiency (SAPPHIRE) program, funded by the DFID, worked to capitalize on the potential of maize and increase incomes for farmers through increasing productivity and improved aggregation.
The Smallholder Poultry Agribusiness Development (SPADE) initiative aimed to sustainably improve the livelihoods of 12,000 smallholder poultry producers of indigenous chicken.
Extension services are an important feature in improving cotton production for farmers in the Lake Victoria region of northwest Tanzania.
TechnoServe is working with small- and medium-sized maize, rice and sunflower oil processors to increase the supply of, and demand for, nutritious and fortified foods.
Cocoa production began in Tanzania in the late 1960s, yet has not been significantly promoted or developed as a cash crop in the past 40 years. TechnoServe, supported by a grant from Irish Aid, is working with farmers to improve post-harvest handling and better position farmer groups as credible sellers.
Aiming to increase smallholder farmers’ access to sustainable markets in Ethiopia, TechnoServe implemented the World Food Program’s Purchase for Progress (WFP-P4P) project by providing support to 16 farmer-owned cooperative unions.