NutriSave, funded by the Gates Foundation and the UK Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office, aims to reduce food loss and waste in Kenya, helping to tackle climate change while boosting nutrition in low-income communities.
NutriSave, funded by the Gates Foundation and the UK Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office, aims to reduce food loss and waste in Kenya, helping to tackle climate change while boosting nutrition in low-income communities.
The Northern Uganda Horticulture Market Acceleration Program (NU-HortiMAP) aimed to support market actors towards a vibrant, sustainable horticulture sector in Northern Uganda. NU-HortiMAP sustainably improved the productivity and sustainable supply of high-quality horticulture products, improved competitiveness and access to markets while strengthening institutional and regulatory frameworks. The project was funded…
The Ethiopia LIWAY program is a nine-year initiative implemented by TechnoServe alongside a consortium of partners. The program is funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands (EKN). It is working to create a more sustainable and inclusive job market for women and the youth.
The Rwanda INC program is a 4-year initiative funded by the European Union, JDE Peet’s, and the Government of Rwanda to unlock the potential of Rwanda's coffee value chain by helping farmers, washing stations, and service providers access the information and financing they need to provide high-quality, high-value coffee to local, regional, and international markets.
Horticulture 4 Growth (H4G): An Initiative of the Agricultural Commercialization Clusters (ACCs) is a $6M, 5-year program being jointly implemented in Ethiopia by TechnoServe and the Agricultural Transformation Institute (ATI), funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The project aims to accelerate the transformation of Ethiopia’s horticulture sub-sector by…
TechnoServe and the Mastercard Foundation recently launched the Micro-Enterprises Strengthened for Pandemic Adaptation and Resilience in Kenya (mSPARK) program, a one-year partnership to support 28,000 entrepreneurs as they navigate the COVID-19 pandemic and ultimately move toward economic recovery.
TechnoServe is working to improve the livelihoods of smallholder coffee, honey, and spice farmers in Ethiopia's Majang Zone while enhancing forest conservation.
The REgrow Yirga project funded by USDA, JDE, and Peet's Coffee, in partnership with Kew, aims to enhance the sustainable competitiveness of the Ethiopian coffee sector through increased productivity, improved supply chain performance, strengthened market linkages, and a more facilitative enabling environment.
TechnoServe seeks to increase the production of teff, wheat, and maize for more than 200,000 farmers and strengthen the farmers access to output markets.
The inability to access safe, nutritious, and affordable food is a problem for many people across East and Southern Africa, leading to widespread malnutrition in children.