Central America

How Climate Change Impacts Farmers in Central America

In Guatemala, shifting weather patterns and increased natural disasters are creating additional challenges for smallholder produce farmers like Manuel Guarcas Batzibal. TechnoServe is working with these farmers to boost their climate resilience while also addressing challenges related to high production costs, price volatility, and informal market connections.

Global Coffee Prices Are Rising Again. Here Are 3 Ways Central American Farmers Can Benefit Long-Term

Global coffee prices are rising after several years at near-historic lows that prompted many farmers in Central America to immigrate elsewhere. But higher prices alone are not enough to sustain progress. To ensure long-term, profitable incomes, farmers need support establishing long-lasting market connections, developing climate-resilient growing techniques, and diversifying their incomes.

In Nicaragua, Helping Farmers Build Resilience to Climate Threats

Over the years, Rosa Gonzales has seen firsthand how climate change has impacted her small farm. After joining a TechnoServe program, she learned techniques to improve her resilience to climate threats and is now transforming her old banana trees into new opportunities for her farm and family.

In Nicaragua, Helping Farmers Build Resilience to Climate Threats

Over the years, Rosa Gonzales has seen firsthand how climate change has impacted her small farm. After joining a TechnoServe program, she learned techniques to improve her resilience to climate threats and is now transforming her old banana trees into new opportunities for her farm and family.