Central America

Grounds for Success

When coffee prices tumbled to record lows earlier this decade, the livelihoods of thousands of Central American farmers were suddenly jeopardized. So TechnoServe identified a new opportunity for them: high-quality commercial and specialty coffees that could fetch premium prices in the changing market. With support from the Inter-American Development…

Rising to the Top

Hundreds of thousands of poor rural residents depend on the Nicaraguan dairy industry for their livelihoods. But low-quality milk and limited marketing and management skills prevent many of the businesses in this sector from gaining access to good markets. The San Francisco de Asís dairy farmer cooperative wanted to…

Cultivating a Home-Grown Entrepreneur

In 2005, Hurricane Stan struck Guatemala, destroying crops and homes. The losses spelled particular hardship for indigenous communities with little education or resources. For an entrepreneurial farmer named Manuel Yax, this crisis simply reinforced his resolve to follow through on his dream: running a business that would generate economic…

Helping Small Fruit Farmers Become Exporters in El Salvador

Just two years ago, Beto Gonzales was almost forced from his land in El Salvador. He and his fellow producers of jocote, a fruit native to Central America, had grown accustomed to receiving subsistence wages for the sale of their crops. Each year, the traditional methods Beto applied to grow…

From Conflict to Coffee

The Nicaraguan civil war left former combatants José Adán López and Luis Marin Garcia destitute and dependent on government assistance. Now the two men are president and vice president, respectively, of Union de Cooperativas Agropecuarios de Servicios Unidas de Mancotal (UCASUMAN), one of Nicaragua’s leading small-farmer export associations in specialty…