Women Cultivate Backyard Bounty
Women in Rajasthan, India, are using kitchen gardens to improve their families’ nutrition while redefining their role in the household.
Women in Rajasthan, India, are using kitchen gardens to improve their families’ nutrition while redefining their role in the household.
A shared value dairy initiative in India fosters entrepreneurship and strengthens local communities through market-driven solutions.
Family farms in Karnataka get a boost through TechnoServe's partnership with Cargill to support skill development of rural youth.
A case study from Feed the Future India-Africa Agriculture and Natural Resource Management Innovation Sharing Platform…
In Rajasthan, India, guar farmers are applying sustainable agricultural practices to improve their livelihoods.
Through the Youth Employability Program, Pranita and Suraj were able to obtain their first formal jobs – and gain a new sense of independence and confidence.
As Cairn Agri Fellows, these young farmers in Rajasthan are boosting production on their family farms and launching sustainable agribusinesses.
TechnoServe is working with women in remote rural areas of India to improve household nutrition and incomes.
Lessons learned from a pilot project leveraging an electronic trading platform for small-scale and marginal women farmers in Bihar, India…