
IPSOS team gets involved with Unconscious Bias training!

In May 2021, WIN trained twenty-two members of IPSOS’s management and technical teams over two half day sessions in Gender awareness and Unconscious bias. The training was very well received and feedback was excellent, as always provoking a great deal of reflections, different perspectives and constructive dialogue around what can…

COVID-19 Impacts on Micro-Retail Businesses

This report aims to provide stakeholders in the fast moving consumer goods value chain with market intelligence on the impact of COVID19. It also provides some ideas and potential solutions that can be taken forward. WIN conducted quick surveys with informal traders in various markets in Maputo and Matola to…

Financial agent networks in Mozambique

This report provides a general overview of the financial agency model in Mozambique, including a comparision of the strengths and weaknesses of each actor’s management model and assessment of the attractiveness of the commission structure for the various types of agents (rural vs. urban; banking agent vs. non-banking/mobile). For more…

Women’s Agency Banking: an untapped opportunity for financial institutions

This report details how by recruiting women agents, financial institutions in Mozambique can reach untapped markets and grow market share and suggests that more effectively engaging womenin agency banking, starting with recruitment of women agents, makescommercial sense for financial institutions. For more details or to download the report, please…

Financial agency in Mozambique COVID Impact Report

Women IN Business (WIN) and FSDMoz have joined efforts to conduct a study with the goal of informing financial services actors and mobile money operators MNOs ) in Mozambique i) on the impacts of COVID 19 on the agents in their networks and ii) share potential solutions of how better…