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How a Global Alliance for Inclusive and Nutritious Food Processing Improves Food Safety

This article, published by Agrilinks, details the Alliance for Inclusive and Nutritious Food Processing (AINFP)—a partnership between USAID, TechnoServe and Partners in Food Solutions (PFS) that aims to create a more competitive food-processing sector in Africa—and shows how partnerships with local food processing businesses can help them improve food safety, even amid an unprecedented pandemic.

Agriculture, COVID-19, Economic Development, Entrepreneurship, Food Processing
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Skills for Life: Developing a Curriculum to Help Young Mozambicans Thrive Post-Graduation

In Mozambique, many students graduate without the necessary soft skills to succeed in jobs or as entrepreneurs, leaving them with limited economic opportunities. TechnoServe’s WIN program worked with the Mozambican government to revise a life skills curriculum that will help young people — and women in particular — access jobs and start their own businesses.

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Training and Micro Loans Help Small Businesses Weather COVID

Cyprian Amakalu, mSPARK Programme Manager at TechnoServe, talks about the Micro-Enterprises Strengthened for Pandemic Adaptation and Resilience in Kenya (mSPARK) programme, launched by TechnoServe and the Mastercard Foundation, which gives digital and financial support to micro, small and medium-sized enterprises to help them survive the pandemic.

COVID-19, Economic Development, Entrepreneurship, Small and Growing Businesses
In The News

Promoting Economic Opportunities for Youth Builds Pathways to Peace

Earlier this year, violent insurgents attacked the city of Palma in northern Cabo Delgado province, Mozambique. They killed dozens of people, forced thousands to flee, and sparked a humanitarian crisis that continues to this day. There is a perceived link between poverty — particularly among youth — and insecurity. TechnoServe is addressing this challenge by promoting economic opportunities for youth in the region.