Food Processors
Rising to the challenge
As the global population approaches 10 billion by 2050, food production will need to increase by 50 to 60%. This will put additional strain on food processing businesses. Because many of these businesses are small and informal, they may not be equipped for the challenges ahead. By working with them, TechnoServe can help ensure supply chains stay healthy and incomes stay healthier.
The opportunity
Growing capabilities, growing prosperity
Food processors are integral to food systems. By linking to thousands of farmers and providing a ready market for their harvests, food processors serve as a crucial part of the food supply chain. TechnoServe works to improve these businesses’ operations and safety practices so they can purchase more crops from farmers, create more jobs, and provide high-quality, nutritious food for consumers. Helping processors improve their food fortification practices is another key component of our work, as fortification of staple foods is one of the most effective, wide-scale ways of improving a population’s nutrition and health.
TechnoServe helps food processors identify and analyze business problems and provides tailored guidance to improve operations, often through partnerships with leading global food companies. Much of this work links corporate volunteers from a consortium of food companies that comprise the nonprofit organization, Partners in Food Solutions, enabling food processors in developing countries to access world-class industry expertise.
See the impact
Supporting food processors, big and small
This isn’t just about increasing incomes for farmers and food processors, it’s about increasing access to nutritious foods all over the world.
The TechnoServe Touch
Processing for a healthier world
When food processors improve their standards and operations, millions of consumers benefit. That’s because high-quality food is safer, healthier, and more nutritious. This improves food systems themselves which in turn has a positive impact on food security. TechnoServe has also worked with processors that supply therapeutic and supplementary foods, which help improve nutrition for malnourished, elderly, and otherwise vulnerable members of the population.
A vital connection
Why are food systems so important?
Food systems—the interconnected processes by which food is grown, processed, packaged, distributed, sold, and consumed—are central to the wellbeing of every person on earth. By transforming our food systems, we can ensure everyone has access to adequate nutrition; that farmers and agri-food workers can earn a decent livelihood; and that food production helps combat climate change and restore nature, rather than exacerbate these problems.
By the numbers
Improved operations and profitability allow processors to hire additional workers and boost local employment rates. TechnoServe’s specialized work with more than 640 African processors, for instance, resulted in the creation of more than 2,750 new jobs
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