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1) According to the World Bank, unchecked climate change will push how many people into poverty in the next 10 years?
Correct Answer: B, 132 million. Poor farming yields, natural disasters, and other problems will cause up to 132 million people to fall from financial security within the decade if climate change is left unchecked. That’s roughly equivalent to the population of Mexico–or two out of every five people in America.
2) African countries have contributed what percentage of the total global carbon emissions?
Correct Answer: D, 3%. Africa’s people comprise roughly 17% of the global population, but have only contributed about 3% of the world’s total emissions. Nevertheless, in the near term, Africans are expected to experience over half of excess deaths from climate-related illnesses.
3) To feed the world’s estimated 9 billion people in 2050, agricultural production will have to increase by 50%. In the same timeframe, climate change is expected to do what to global agricultural productivity?
Correct Answer: B, Decrease it by 17%. At exactly the same time agricultural production will need to dramatically increase, unchecked climate change is projected to significantly decrease our ability to feed the world’s growing population.
4) Roughly how much of the world’s food is produced by smallholder farmers?
Correct Answer: C, One-third. Farms smaller than five acres produce roughly one-third of the world’s food; however, some estimates place the amount much higher, at around 70%.
5) What is the term for the farming system that helps improve the local ecosystem and reduce emissions, while improving farms’ resilience against climate shocks?
Correct Answer: C, Regenerative agriculture. Practices such as low or no tillage, organic mulching, crop rotation, and natural pest management not only reduce emissions and improve the local environment, but help farmers improve their crop yields as well. TechnoServe trains farmers in regenerative agriculture to help them both improve their incomes and their resilience against climate change.
6) Working with TechnoServe in Honduras, farmers are now applying environmentally friendly practices to the equivalent of how many football fields?
Correct Answer: D, 76,752. TechnoServe has helped 34,000 coffee farmers double their average income through improved agricultural practices, which they have applied to an area roughly half the size of New York City. Ten thousand of those farms are now environmentally certified, helping these households earn a 70% higher price for their coffee.
7) Roughly how much does it cost to train a farmer in improved agricultural techniques?
Answer: A, $100. It costs $100 to deliver TechnoServe’s signature two-year Farm College program to one coffee farmer. Farmers are trained on coffee agronomy best practices that boost resilience to climate-related shocks and result in an average yield increase of 50%.