Guess Where and Share! (QUIZ)
Can you tell where the photo in this quiz was taken?
Can you tell where the photo in this quiz was taken?
TechnoServe is a global organization working to end poverty one person at a time. But what do you know about all of the countries in which we work? Take this 10-question quiz to find out more about the communities and the people we serve around the world.
As World Food Day is coming up this weekend on October 16, take a break to test your knowledge on a few facts about world hunger you may not know (yet!)
In honor of National Coffee Day coming up on October 1st, take this quiz to find which coffee you are!
Expert or Amateur? Take our quiz to find out! As part of TechnoServe’s business approach to environmental sustainability, we work not only to strengthen the resilience of the farmers, entrepreneurs, and businesses that operate within a market system but also contribute to the overall sustainability of that system. Do you…
Expert or Amateur? Take our quiz to find out! Recently, the United Nations released its 2022 report on the state of food security in the world. It highlights some of the report’s findings on the state of poverty worldwide and where we stand in our fight against hunger. Have you…
Expert or Amateur? Take our quiz to find out! Do you consider yourself an expert on the facts and figures around women’s economic empowerment issues? Take our quiz and test your knowledge today. Good Luck! Facts and Figures Quiz: WEE Facts and figures related to Women's Economic Empowerment and…
Are you a current event quiz master? Do you consider yourself a news junkie? Are you up to date on the latest news? Take our quiz and test your knowledge of today’s current events. Good Luck! Current Events Quiz -June 2022 Quiz to find out how much you know…