Ask a TechnoServe Expert: Evelin Rincan and Andrea Bettosini on Digitized Entrepreneurship

"Ask a TechnoServe Expert" is a series where our staff members, who work on a range of important global development issues, answer your questions. In this edition, Evelin Rincan, Entrepreneurship Practice Manager, and Andrea Bettosini, Global Entrepreneurship Manager, answered your questions.

Creating Change Through Cocoa in Ghana: Q&A With Former Fellow Yash Mehta

Yash Mehta is a former TechnoServe Fellow who worked remotely in Ghana earlier this year, where he helped a cocoa processing company improve its business plan and support smallholder farmers to increase their yields and incomes. In this Q&A, Yash shares what his remote fellowship experience was like and how it positively impacted his career path.

What is High-Margin Agriculture? Learn the Essentials From Matt Foerster, TechnoServe’s New Director of Agricultural Markets

Matt Foerster joined TechnoServe earlier this year as our new director of agricultural markets. With over 15 years of experience, Matt is overseeing TechnoServe’s large portfolio of work in commercial agriculture. Here we ask Matt about the most important issues in agriculture today – and its critical role in reducing poverty.