Breaking Barriers For Women Through Coffee Farming
Learn about how two women in Nicaragua are breaking barriers in the coffee farming industry.
Learn about how two women in Nicaragua are breaking barriers in the coffee farming industry.
Discover the innovative approach to business taken by the husband and wife team behind a milling business in Zambia, and how their unique application of a gender lens to their company operations has contributed to their success.
A special radio program in Mozambique is helping women gain the skills and confidence to break business barriers
Last week, senior executives from the
ingredients and food processing industry gathered at the World Economic Forum in Davos,
Switzerland, to share ideas and progress on their critical joint actions to address the impact of the food price crisis and the massive global burden of malnutrition. One event, co-convened by DSM, TechnoServe and Endeva, called on private and public sector actors to support,
empower, and reward the food millers who fortify staple foods with essential
micronutrients and improve health at a population level.
Maria increased productivity through better farm practices. Now she has access to formal markets and gets better prices. With a better income, Maria plants more beans and has diversified her crops.
Through the Rwanda Ikawa Nziza Cyane “Best Quality Coffee” project, farmers are expected to increase their coffee yields and income.
Determined to find a way to support her three children, a single mother started selling roasted peanuts and earned about $3 each day. Since then, she's dramatically increased her income after working with a start-up supported by TechnoServe.
TechnoServe acknowledges women’s vital role in growing the world’s food, while grappling with significant other challenges and responsibilities. The story of Lesbia Ludia Juárez, a rural woman farmer, demonstrates the tremendous contributions and potential of rural women around the world.
When Elisa and her husband got a divorce, her need for an independent income became acute. She's now able to support herself and her family after working with TechnoServe.
At a recent TechnoServe international staff meeting, Shingi Nyamwanza was invited to share the story of her personal career journey. Here is her story.