Small farmers

Sowing the seeds of success

Smallholder farmers who live in poverty rely on agriculture as their primary, and sometimes only, source of income. They often support multiple family members and work hard around the year to nurture their crops and earn enough money to provide essentials to those who rely on them. Essentials like food, shelter, healthcare, and education that many of us take for granted.

Personal perspective

I got the seed for the first time from TechnoServe, and now I swear by it. In fact, I’ve given the seed to my neighbors too who have seen increased yields.

Jetha Ram, smallholder farmer in Rajasthan, India

Small business owners

Helping others is our business

One doesn’t typically associate small business owners with poverty. There are more than 300 million small- and mid-sized enterprises in developing countries, and many of them are operated by women and men struggling to provide greater life opportunities for themselves, their families, and their communities. TechnoServe gives them the skills, confidence, and connections to better their lives and livelihoods. 

Personal perspective

With the use of technology, we have learned ways to add nutrition to our products. I think its very important for a country and society to access nutritious meals. 

I’m proud that more than 50% of my workers are women. Also, the farmers I work with, most are women. I think women have a great capacity to change the world.

Severina Paul Mwakateba, Founder of AA Nafaka in Tanzania

Food processors

Fortifying a vital role

Food processors are the unsung heroes of the food value chain. They don’t harvest food, and they don’t sell it. But without them, very little would ever make it to market. By working with them to address multifactorial issues like increasing capacity and inclusive business practices, TechnoServe helps to create a ripple effect that has far-reaching benefits for people living in poverty.

Personal perspective

Little by little, the small amount I earn becomes a lot. Because in the training we learned this, we need to have a broader perspective.

Maria Pascoal Manaza, restaurant owner and bank agent in Marracuene, Maputo


Your generosity at scale

Climate change. Unemployment. Weakening food systems. Donating to TechnoServe means you’re helping tackle some of the biggest challenges known to humankind.