Man processing beans in Mozambique


In spite of strong recent economic growth and extensive natural resources, Mozambique remains one of the world’s poorest countries.

TechnoServe has been providing technical assistance to Mozambique’s industries, agribusinesses, and entrepreneurs with high-growth potential for over 20 years, since our office first opened in 1998. We have helped create a competitive and sustainable commercial agricultural sector, which has generated opportunities for small-scale rural producers and suppliers, in addition to new employment opportunities for the rural poor. TechnoServe in Mozambique is known for creating lasting impact in the value chains of cashew and poultry, though we've also worked in agro-forestry, seed systems, horticulture, and access to finance. We work with corporate partners to promote investments in key industries and build local supply chains for sourcing, as well as public sector partners to build capacity to regulate and promote growing industries. Our goal in the next 10 years is to scale our impact through leveraging and sharing knowledge and build new partnerships in order to catalyze further change.

Avenida Cahora Bassa, nr. 114.
Bairro Sommerschield
Maputo, Moçambique

She is Capable

Since 2018, Business Women Connect has economically empowered over 200 businesswomen in Mozambique by giving them the business skills they need to succeed. At the same time, Business Women Connect has increased the supply of savings products through empowering these businesswomen to become financial service agents in their communities. Business Women Connect invests in women, because they are capable of making change.


Agriculture Projects in Mozambique

Blog Posts


Small Commercial Farmer Model Impact Report

Learn about the impact of TechnoServe’s small commercial farmer model as a mechanism for rural development.

MozaCajú Impact Report

This report outlines four years of impact and insights from the MozaCajú program, which supported the Mozambican cashew nut industry by harnessing global market demand for premium cashew and addressing obstacles throughout the value chain, including production, inputs, processing, finance, and marketing.

Successful Practices to Integrate Women as Sales Agents in Distribution Models

This case study is one of a four-part series designed to explore the effectiveness of interventions across different sectors to increase women’s economic empowerment. The series includes case studies on achieving women’s economic empowerment through four of WIN’s intervention areas: media, financialservices, distribution and management tools and information. Improving the…

Case Study – How can management tools and information lead to women’s economic empowerment?

This case study is one of a four-part series designed to explorethe effectiveness of interventions across different sectors to increase women’s economic empowerment. The series includes case studies on four of WIN’s intervention areas: media, financial services, distribution and management tools and information. By promoting management tools and information…

FTF Premier: Food Processing Mapping

This Food Processing Mapping was carried out between October 2022 – January 2023 as part of a series of studies designed to provide background context and strategic recommendations to inform FTF Premier’s strategy and workplan development. FTF Premier is a 5-year, USAID supported agricultural markets program with a goal of…

Sector Selection and analysis

Selecting winning sectors for women’s economic empowerment The WIN program was set up in Mozambique to advance women’s economic empowerment (WEE), especially among women entrepreneurs, using a Market Systems Development (MSD) approach. MSD programs work with market actors (private and public sector) to design and test ways to improve the…

Partner Selection

Selecting Winning partners for women’s economic empowerment The WIN program was set up in Mozambique to advance women’s economic empowerment (WEE), especially among women entrepreneurs, using a Market Systems Development (MSD) approach. MSD programs work with market actors (private and public sector) to design and test ways to improve the…

Intervention Strategy

Designing winning intervention for women’s economic empowerment The WIN program was set up in Mozambique to advance women’s economic empowerment (WEE), especially among women entrepreneurs, using a Market Systems Development (MSD) approach. MSD programs work with market actors (private and public sector) to design and test ways to improve the…

Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning

Building a rigorous MEL system for a MSD program focused on WEE The WIN program was set up in Mozambique to advance women’s economic empowerment (WEE), especially among women entrepreneurs, using a Market Systems Development (MSD) approach. In Market Systems Development, programs work with market actors (private and public sector)…

Feed the Future Mozambique Promoting Innovative and Resilient Agriculture Market Systems Activity (FTF Premier):Assessments Summary Document

The team assessed the 8 commodity value chains and end markets and mapped the agro-processing industry to determine opportunities for local value addition. These studies were the basis for confirming the portfolio of commodities following three steps: Step 1: End Markets opportunities;  Step 2: Opportunities for Value…

Cashew Field Manual

This manual, which acts as the foundation for each of the various MozaCajú trainings that are given to cashew producers, details the actions required at various stages of production, including planting, cleaning and pruning, chemical control of pests and disease, harvest and post-harvest and commercialization.

Cashew Nut Processor Competitiveness Analysis – Mozambique

Cashew Nut Processor Competitiveness Analysis – Mozambique aims to provide a comprehensive view on the Status Quo of the Mozambican Cashew Nut Industry, its current key players on the private and public sector, its history and a brief evaluation of the policies that regulate the industry. The document also focusses…

Competitiveness of the Mozambican Cashew Industry

This report describes the history of the Mozambican Cashew Industry, current key players in the private and public sector, and a brief evaluation of the policies that regulate the industry. The report focuses on mapping out the costs of cashew processing in Mozambique and benchmarking the competitiveness of the industry.

Field Diaries

Findings from field research in Nampula, Mozambique (2010-2013)…

Factories in the Field

Rural Transformation and the Organization of Work in Mozambique’s Cashew Triangle.

Financial Services Case Study

This case study is one of a four-part series designed to explore the effectiveness of interventions across different sectors to increase women’s economic empowerment. The series includes case studies on achieving women’s economic empowerment through four of WIN’s intervention areas: media, financial services, distribution and management tools and information. Improving…

Business Fight Poverty publishes WIN article

How gender-responsive media can help women’s economic empowerment – and business is the WIN article published by Business Fight Poverty. a global community of people, companies and organizations passionate about building an equitable and resilient future that believes in the power of business, to help improve lives,…

How to drive impact and ensure sustainability in the media sector

How to drive impact and ensure sustainability in the media sector, is the topic of the article produced by the WIN program. This article provides an overview of the current state of Media in Africa, description of WIN initiatives that have reached about 452,000 micro-entrepreneurs with information related to tips…

How can players in the media sector make money while making a difference?

“WIN’s article “How can players in the media sector make money while making a difference?”, discusses the importance of having data to measure audience and impact, describes models used in this sector outside of Mozambique (Africa) for the different media players (content producers, media channels, commercial advertisers & agencies, non-commercial…

Women In Business Case Study

How can gender-responsive media effectively increase women’s economic empowerment? Women In Business Program – WIN, implemented by Technoserve with funding from the Swedish Embassy in Mozambique, launched the case study designed to understand the effectiveness of media interventions to increase women’s economic empowerment. This case study…

WIN attends international event on financial inclusion organized by FinEquity

“How can Intelligent Gender Design help women entrepreneurs”, is with this theme that the WIN program shared its experience based on its work in Mozambique with its partner AfricaWorks, a Micro-finance company that operates in the market with a focus on low-income women. The event is organized by FinEquity, a…

Janete launches website and chatbot

Janete launches Website and Chatbot, the two digital platforms have with the main goal of facilitating access to content about entrepreneurship and gender-sensitive business development for different users. Through these platforms users can easily interact with Janete, exposing their doubts and learn new business tips. Access through the QR.

WIN Case Study published in CanopyCut

The Case Study, on how gender-responsive media can effectively increase women’s economic empowerment, developed by WIN is published in CanopyCut, an accurate list of Gender Equality and Social Inclusion resources for market systems and private sector development professionals globally. This list was developed by…

WIN joins international event on Financial Inclusion Week 2022

Under the motto Financial Inclusion of Women. The WIN program addressed the topic: the importance of a gender lens when designing financial products. The event is organized annually by the Center for Financial Inclusion, based in Washington the organization purpose is to use research and advocacy…

WIN Supports ANEP with Process Inclusion of Gender in the Training of Trainers Modules

Since 2021 TechnoServe through the WIN program has been supporting the National Authority for Professional Education (ANEP) with the introduction of gender-sensitive approaches in the training of trainers modules, this initiative aims to ensure greater efficiency and respect for gender equality in the teaching and learning process in technical vocational…

WIN Program Held Training Series for Replicators of Gender Tools

From June 28-30, 2022 a series of workshops were held at the BCI Auditorium in Maputo, organized by WIN. These Workshops were aimed at enhancing the portfolio of services provided and improving the gender performance of private sector organizations or companies. The replicators of the gender tools came out of…

Held Workshop on How to Facilitate a Gender Training

WIN organized the second workshop on How to Facilitate Gender Training, the event took place in the BCI Auditorium in Maputo City on June 21st 2022. This event was attended by nine companies from different areas of economic activities represented by their leaders mainly from the Human Resources and Operations…

WIN Participates in the Annual Market Systems Symposium, 2022 (MSS 2022)

TechnoServe through the WIN program participated for the first time in the annual Market Systems Symposium (“Market Systems Symposim”), 2022, organized by the Vikara Institute. This event is an excellent space for debate, learning and sharing of experiences from different communities acting globally in the area of Market Systems Development…

Conducting a Gender Analysis – How it can help your organization and how to do it 

Do you want to find ways to improve your business?  To improve the retention rate and increase innovation by employees?Expand and/ or diversify its customer base? Increase sales? Improve customer loyalty?Unlock funding? Reach more suppliers and business partners? A Gender analysis is a process that can help you identify ways to improve…

Let’s Celebrate the Success of Mozambican Women with WIN Program

To celebrate Mozambican Women’s Day, WIN Program is pleased to share 7 inspiring stories of women who have been impacted by projects carried out with WIN’s partner organizations. See the photobook here.  Together with our partners we have impacted over 18,251 women…

Business Clinic – Broadcasting Good Business Practices

In 2020, WIN Program jointly with TV Sucesso, created a 15-minute segment in the most popular sunday program “Mozambique in Concert”, called “Business Clinic”. The main objective was to transmit good business practices given by different consultants each week, to micro-entrepreneurs participating in the segment. In terms of overall…

A “Radionovela” Role Model Inspires Women Entrepreneurs in Mozambique

A special radio program in Mozambique is helping women gain the skills and confidence to break business barriers. Janete, a character in a radio drama who transmit the daily life of a young female entrepreneur in Mozambique. Broadcast in four languages throughout Mozambique, Janete was developed as part of the…

Gender Equality in Private Sector in Mozambique

The Women IN Business (WIN) program held a virtual event with the theme Gender Equality in the Private Sector in Mozambique on 09.02.2022 to share the results of a survey carried out in a sample of Mozambican companies to understand the level…

New App Features Help Women Across Mozambique to Control Their Own Savings

After separating from her husband, Albertina Chirindza turned to an innovative digital savings product to help her children get ahead. It’s helped her to diversify her business, buy land, and send her daughter to college. See here the story of Albertina Chirindza, a single mother of four who, when…

Delivering a Gender Awareness Training

How it can help your organization and how to do it Do you ever wonder how you can get the most from your workforce? Are you looking for ways to decrease absenteeism? Are you having difficulties reaching new customer bases to boost your sales?  Well, did you know that companies that pay attention to…

Gender Equality in Mozambique’s Private Sector

A GenderScope of 35 companies 80% of interviewed companies believe gender inclusion is a very important part of their company’s mission but only half have a gender policy, 63% do not disaggregate their data by sex and more than half have a workforce comprised of more men than women. To…

Mozambique Entrepreneurial Environment Report 2021

Understanding and working with micro-entrepreneurs in Mozambique Mozambique’s entrepreneurial culture is constantly evolving because of ongoing socio- economic, political, technological, and cultural changes. Harnessing Mozambique’s entrepreneurial spirit will be critical to driving the economy. This report sets out to fill in the missing information around micro-entrepreneurs in Mozambique and how…

Escola do Agricultor: Transforming women through agriculture

“The practice of agriculture is important for us (women), because instead of depending on our husbands, we also fight to end hunger and earn some (money), for our livelihood, also helping the family (…) the woman in agriculture is very important, because we work, earn money and help our husbands…

Gender Equality Policy Development Toolkit Launched

According to the Department for Business, Innovation & Skills, 2011 “companies with more women on their boards outperformed their rivals with a 66% higher return on invested capital and a 53% higher return on equity.” As part of its initiatives, the WIN Program – Women IN Business, an initiative by…

IPSOS team gets involved with Unconscious Bias training!

In May 2021, WIN trained twenty-two members of IPSOS’s management and technical teams over two half day sessions in Gender awareness and Unconscious bias. The training was very well received and feedback was excellent, as always provoking a great deal of reflections, different perspectives and constructive dialogue around what can…

A story about how financial independence is possible to Mozambican Women

In Mozambique, women often face barriers that limit their ability to achieve financial independence. WIN’s role is to identify opportunities and barriers for women and find business partners with the incentive and ability to break down those barriers. Read the story here to see how Elsa…

COVID-19 Impacts on Micro-Retail Businesses

This report aims to provide stakeholders in the fast moving consumer goods value chain with market intelligence on the impact of COVID19. It also provides some ideas and potential solutions that can be taken forward. WIN conducted quick surveys with informal traders in various markets in Maputo and Matola to…

Financial agent networks in Mozambique

This report provides a general overview of the financial agency model in Mozambique, including a comparision of the strengths and weaknesses of each actor’s management model and assessment of the attractiveness of the commission structure for the various types of agents (rural vs. urban; banking agent vs. non-banking/mobile). For more…

Women’s Agency Banking: an untapped opportunity for financial institutions

This report details how by recruiting women agents, financial institutions in Mozambique can reach untapped markets and grow market share and suggests that more effectively engaging womenin agency banking, starting with recruitment of women agents, makescommercial sense for financial institutions. For more details or to download the report, please…

Financial agency in Mozambique COVID Impact Report

Women IN Business (WIN) and FSDMoz have joined efforts to conduct a study with the goal of informing financial services actors and mobile money operators MNOs ) in Mozambique i) on the impacts of COVID 19 on the agents in their networks and ii) share potential solutions of how better…

WIN’s launch in 2019

WIN program was officially launched in September 2019, at Southern Sun Hotel, in Mozambique’s capital, Maputo. Click here to see the video of the event.