Improving the Poultry Sector
The Ghana Poultry Project (GPP) will increase the competitiveness of the domestic production and processing of poultry meat and eggs.
Resource-rich Ghana ranks among the United States' top trading partners in sub-Saharan Africa, and boasts one of the fastest growing economies in the world. Yet more than half of its population still struggles to survive on subsistence farming.
TechnoServe is addressing these challenges by helping smallholder farmers improve the quality and quantity of their crops, linking them to more lucrative markets and training them in business skills. TechnoServe also helps businesses in key industries become more efficient and competitive, in turn increasing local employment and contributing to diversified economic growth. Through a national business plan competition, we mentor aspiring entrepreneurs across a range of sectors, helping them develop and finance their business ideas.
The Ghana Poultry Project (GPP) will increase the competitiveness of the domestic production and processing of poultry meat and eggs.
With large rural populations in Africa, it can be difficult to reach farmers for training and traveling to training can be costly and time consuming for farmers. The Mobile Training Unit project is an innovative agricultural extension training approach, which allows for large groups of smallholder farmers to receive audio and visual training lessons in rural areas.
TechnoServe helped farmers in marginalized areas of northern Ghana to earn more for their crops while ensuring a better food supply for the region.
Ghana is one of the world's top producers of cocoa, a highly-demanded export crop grown by an estimated 700,000 farmers.
TechnoServe was an implementing partner in the African Cashew Initiative, which worked to improve the volume and value of cashews produced and processed in Africa.
TechnoServe serves as the manager of the Technical Assistance Facility (TAF), which supports the African Agriculture Fund, a private equity fund, to address food security challenges across Africa. TAF provided technical assistance to small and growing businesses (SGBs) invested in by the African Agriculture Fund, and improved linkages between enterprises and smallholder outgrowers.
Despite a high volume of of entrepreneurial activity, Ghana has a low rate of success in transforming small enterprises into larger, more productive companies, which can help to promote economic growth and create jobs.
Prosper Cashew: Strengthening Cashew Processing in Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, and Nigeria Prosper Cashew – Context: The global cashew market is a $12 billion industry and has grown almost seven times over the last four decades in terms of volume.
Read the 2021 TechnoServe Annual Report in English, French, or Spanish in the PDFs on this page. You can find Portuguese here.
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