Promoting Investment and Competitiveness for Agribusinesses
FinAgro is a program funded by USAID and the Government of Mozambique designed to increase the competitiveness of the Mozambican private sector in selected cash crops and value chains.
The project focus is on tropical fruits (mangos, bananas and pineapples), pulses (common beans, cowpeas, and pigeon peas), oilseeds (peanuts, soybeans, and sesame), cashew nuts, and other crops as maize, rice, potatoes, and cassava. Through the provision of small grants, the program aims to support and promote partnerships between commercial farmers and smallholder or emerging farmers; increase access to production inputs and equipment in targeted areas; address gender imbalance by encouraging female applicants; Generate new jobs; and increase value and volume of exports.
FinAgro grants are designed to leverage additional private capital from investors and financial institutions. The program focuses on supporting Mozambican small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) and farmer associations/cooperatives operating in farming, agro-processing, marketing and exporting activities. The grants are designed to contribute directly and substantially to the competitiveness of selected sub-sectors, enterprise clusters or value chains as opposed to only generating financial benefits to an individual grantee.
Jane Grob,