Women IN Business (WIN) Participates in the Annual Market Systems Symposium, 2022 (MSS 2022)
TechnoServe through the WIN program participated for the first time in the annual Market Systems Symposium (“Market Systems Symposim”), 2022, organized by the Vikara Institute. This event is an excellent space for debate, learning and sharing of experiences from different communities acting globally in the area of Market Systems Development (MSD), which addresses the ability of markets to absorb, adapt or transform in the face of shocks and stresses within economic, political, socio-cultural and environmental systems.
In its participation, the WIN program shared its experiences and interventions that are impacting the various market segments in Mozambique, with emphasis on two approaches:
The first is social inclusion whose strategy is based on the use of media to influence gender norms in Mozambique, this session was presented on May 11, please click here.
The second is on private sector engagement, this approach is based on incorporating a gender lens to increase women’s access to financial services, this session was presented on May 18th, please click here.
Also in the same scope the WIN program participated in three publications in the international MSD arena, two of which were linked on MarketLinks, a platform for disseminating best practices in MSD globally- The Market Corner: Market Systems Development Learning at MSS2022 and Beyond & Discovering and Sharing Market Systems Development Tools and Resources at MSS2022. And the third article was published on the Vikara Institute platform, a process-oriented organization for learning and technical research, accelerating inclusive development to support resilient and growing systems: Women’s Economic Empowerment on the Airwaves.