Women IN Business signs a Collaboration Agreement with the Ministry of Agriculture (MADER) and the SPEED Program

On April 26, TechnoServe’s WIN program, USAID’s SPEED program and MADER through the Agrarian and Rural Extension Fund (FAR/PROCAVA) signed a one-year Collaboration Agreement. The aim of this agreement is to reduce social inequalities in the agricultural sector, promote women’s access to productive resources, and better target gender-sensitive investments in the agricultural sector through the revision and dissemination of the Gender Action Plan Strategy in the Agricultural Sector in Mozambique. And finally, the work will include updating MADER’s Rural Extension training curriculum and training key trainers with a gender perspective.

With the combined efforts of these three actors, it is hoped that the 10-year strategy will be implemented, which aims to transform the agricultural sector in an inclusive way, from training trainers with pedagogical content to introducing new modules capable of keeping up with the sector’s current challenges. The development of these actions will facilitate women’s access to relevant information to improve their production and productivity through the training of around 4,000 extension workers who will benefit more than 200,000 small producers with new agricultural skills. This exercise aims to facilitate access to relevant sector information for low-income women producers in order to improve their production and productivity and consequently the economic empowerment of communities.

The strategic work of the partners will catalyze the sector’s activities towards gender equality, bringing significant benefits to all parties involved and to the community.