Over the course of a week in Maputo, WIN held a training of trainers for 14 technicians from IPEME, IP (Institute for the Promotion of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises). The aim was to train the participants in teaching methodologies for adults and to pass on the training manuals developed by the WIN program in its first phase. The manuals focus on gender, financial education and business management, with the aim of helping micro-entrepreneurs develop more sustainable businesses.

The training included the official handover of the WIN manuals, which will be hosted and used by IPEME,IP in its training and technical assistance actions for entrepreneurs.

The training will also be replicated in Nampula and Manica, allowing IPEME,IP to have trained technicians in the center and north of the country. In this way, micro-entrepreneurs from various regions will be able to access easy-to-learn, gender-inclusive content.

The participants evaluated the training positively, highlighting the dynamics used, the creation of diverse working groups and the effective techniques for leading debates. The content was widely appreciated, reinforcing the value of the training for developing their skills as trainers.