Our monthly photo series highlights the beauty and emotion in the lives of our clients around the world.

TechnoServe’s work with people fighting poverty around the world is full of striking stories and images. Each month, we share a few of our favorite photos from the everyday beauty of our clients’ journeys towards better incomes and better futures. 

Vote for your favorite below.

Photo 1

Family in India eats meal

A family in India sits down to eat a meal. Around the world, more than enough food is produced to feed the global population. However, it’s estimated that as many as 828 million people still go hungry every day. Learn more by taking our World Food Day quiz.

Photo 2

A woman farmers holds an avocado in Guatemala

Lesbia Ludia Juárez, 45, cradles a key source of income on her family’s farm in Los Planes, a small village in Guatemala. She grows coffee, avocados, and other vegetables, and helps improve her crop yields and livelihood by working with TechnoServe through the Smallholder Market Access Program in Central America, funded by the Walmart Foundation.

Photo 3

A woman business owner in Mozambique.

Ermelinda Cumbe, 39, proudly stands in front of her business, a grocery stall where she sells basic necessities in Mozambique. Working with TechnoServe, Ermelinda began taking classes on business management and learned how to attract more customers to her enterprise.  

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