Mozambique Blog

Cashew Prices Are About to Go Nuts, says Bloomberg

According to an article on Bloomberg, the world’s sales for cashew nuts are growing faster than any other nut, even as the production in some regions slows. “The global popularity of the kidney-shaped nut has been growing faster than any other tree nut — even almonds. Demand jumped 53 percent…

Cooking with cashew on Ilha de Moçambique

Mida Juma, MozaCajú’s head chef, has grown up cooking with cashew nuts.  Born and raised on Ilha de Moçambique, a historic island in the northern province of Nampula, Mida loves cooking traditional dishes as well as experimenting to discover fun, new ways to add cashew to her diet. As she…

The Business Side of Cashew

Cashew farmers in Mozambique work hard all year to secure a good harvest from their cashew trees.  Perhaps even more important than collecting the harvest, though, is the process of selling the harvest on the market, which is referred to as the time of commercialization. For cashew farmers this is an…

Field Manual for promoters published by MozaCajú

This manual, which acts as the foundation for each of the various MozaCajú trainings that are given to cashew producers, details the actions required at various stages of production, including planting, cleaning and pruning, chemical control of pests and disease, harvest and post-harvest, and commercialization. For more details or…

MozaCajú trains cashew farmers on crop protection techniques

Under the sprawling branches of a large cashew tree, Angelo Levi, MozaCajú production lead, gazes at a group of farmers who have gathered to attend a training on the chemical treatment of cashew trees. According to Levi, the chemical treatment training is one of the most important trainings of the…

The Cashew Apple Doesn’t Fall Far from the Tree

In the small village of Cataputa in the northern province of Cabo Delgado, Mozambique, Carlos Lássimo grafts cashew seedlings with his 10-year-old son, Adamo. Just as Lássimo learned about cashew production from his father, he is teaching his son traditional farming knowledge, which is typically passed on from generation to…

A castanha de cajú pode enriquecer a dieta

O Manual de Alimentação Saudável e Consumo Responsável pelo Istituto Oikos em Moçambique menciona que o cajueiro tem produtos que são partes importantes de alimentação saudável e que podem enriquecer a dieta: “O fruto desta árvore é composto por duas partes: o fruto propriamente dito, a castanha de caju, que contem ácido…