Leading By Example: Mónica Momade Is Chef, Mother, and Small Business Owner
Even though she would rather be cooking delicious meals, a chef in Mozambique works to revamp the business side of things to keep the food flowing out of her kitchen.
Even though she would rather be cooking delicious meals, a chef in Mozambique works to revamp the business side of things to keep the food flowing out of her kitchen.
Rob Johnson is a former TechnoServe Fellow who worked in Haiti in 2011 performing a poultry value chain assessment. After his time as a Fellow, Rob returned to serve as a program manager in the TechnoServe Haiti Office. He then launched a social enterprise in Haiti called Acceso, which works to improve smallholder farmer income through inclusive value chains. In this Q&A, Rob shares how TechnoServe played a foundational role in his life and social enterprise career.
Ermelinda Vargas Paye, owner of Hostel Mary in the city of Moquegua, Peru, won’t let COVID-19 steal her spirit – or her livelihood. A lifelong attitude of determination, and business training from TechnoServe, prepared her to lead her enterprise through the pandemic.
In Tanzania, shopkeepers like Emanuel Barosha Ndiwene often lack the business and financial management skills they need to run profitable businesses. A TechnoServe program connects young entrepreneurs with the knowledge, training, and tools they need to become successful retailers.
In Palma, a rural town in northern Mozambique, young people often struggle to earn a living outside of basic fishing and farming. Entrepreneurship offers a promising solution. After participating in the Catalisa Youth program and business plan competition, Folai Andeni and Fazira Nassoro each began testing their own business ideas and have already begun reaping the rewards.
To spur corporate investment in small and growing business (SGB) growth, TechnoServe has partnered with the Argidius Foundation to launch the Catalyzing SGB Acceleration (CaSA) Initiative.
In Bihar, India, female maize farmers are forming collectives to ensure fair prices for their crops and to create gender-inclusive markets. Many of the farmers are becoming board members within the collectives to ensure continued success.
Africa is home to over half of the world’s supply of cashew, a crop that is growing in demand globally as incomes rise and diets change. From planting seeds, to harvest, to processing, see how cashews from Mozambique and Benin make it to your table.
In Mumbai, young people are providing peer mentorship to help other youth join India's workforce and contribute to the country's economic growth.
Newmont and TechnoServe partnered to build the capacity of more than 300 entrepreneurs in rural Mexican communities.