
TechnoServe’s blog highlights the lessons and successes from our work with enterprising people in the developing world to build competitive farms, businesses, and industries.

Creating Youth Opportunities In El Salvador: Entrepreneurship, Job Creation, & Women’s Employment

Discover the journey of Gabi Garcia, the manager at Cochecito, a baby clothing boutique in San Salvador. Her experience highlights how small businesses are a lifeline for many young Salvadorians facing limited job opportunities. Through a TechnoServe program creating youth opportunities, small businesses like Cochecito are creating jobs, strengthening communities, and ensuring a brighter future for youth and women in El Salvador.

Empowering Young Farmers and Entrepreneurs on International Youth Day

Celebrating Young Farmers and Entrepreneurs on International Youth Day Around the world, a new generation of creative, resilient innovators and entrepreneurs is on the rise. In celebration of United Nations International Youth Day on August 12, here are a few bright, determined young people…