From India to Malawi: Seepage Wells
A case study from Feed the Future India-Africa Agriculture and Natural Resource Management Innovation Sharing Platform…
A case study from Feed the Future India-Africa Agriculture and Natural Resource Management Innovation Sharing Platform…
Read our 2015 Annual Report online or download the PDF below to see how we made a difference in the lives of 1.6 million people.
Overview of the Coffee Initiative, TechnoServe’s flagship coffee program, which benefited more than a quarter-million farmers in East Africa.
TechnoServe’s MOVER Framework: Empowering women in supply chains to maximize business growth…
This manual, which acts as the foundation for each of the various MozaCajú trainings that are given to cashew producers, details the actions required at various stages of production, including planting, cleaning and pruning, chemical control of pests and disease, harvest and post-harvest and commercialization.
This report describes the history of the Mozambican Cashew Industry, current key players in the private and public sector, and a brief evaluation of the policies that regulate the industry. The report focuses on mapping out the costs of cashew processing in Mozambique and benchmarking the competitiveness of the industry.
How a five-year program helped to transform Peru’s cocoa sector and improved smallholders’ livelihoods in the regions of San Martín, Huánuco and Ucayali.
Read our 2014 Annual Report online or download the PDF below to see how we made a difference in the lives of 1.7 million people.
Loans secured through the Haiti Hope Project are helping mango farmers bring riper fruit to market.