Local Sourcing: Building Local Supply Chains for More Competitive and Inclusive Businesses
Overview of TechnoServe’s work and strategy around building local supply chains to the benefit of corporations and suppliers alike.
Overview of TechnoServe’s work and strategy around building local supply chains to the benefit of corporations and suppliers alike.
This white paper published by TechnoServe and Concordia presents four challenges and solutions for delivering inclusive business for a sustainable food supply.
This case study by the Harvard Kennedy School reviews the ability of TechnoServe’s East Africa Coffee Initiative to achieve inclusive and sustainable growth by aligning the incentives of various stakeholders and building their capabilities to accelerate and scale progress.
Read our 2016 Annual Report online or download the PDF below to see how we made a difference in the lives of 3 million people.
Lessons learned from TechnoServe’s work with SGBs in Central America, based on research conducted by Emory University and the Impulsa Tu Empresa program.
Triple Line was contracted by TechnoServe to evaluate the impact of the East Africa Coffee Initiative (2008-11) in Rwanda, Kenya, Tanzania and Ethiopia with the objective of helping smallholder farmers to improve productivity and increase incomes.
Impact report from the Technical Assistance Facility, which aims to address food security challenges in Africa by providing technical assistance to agribusinesses that receive investment through the African Agriculture Fund (AAF).
Report outlining the Innovation in Outcome Measurement Initiative’s pilots for tools and methodologies that have strong potential to significantly improve measurments of agriculture outcomes across a wide range of interventions.
This document contains four case studies exploring TechnoServe’s work with leading corporations to develop inclusive business models that engage smallholder farmers.
Case study documenting how TechnoServe and Syngenta are addressing barriers to adoption of high-quality agricultural inputs among Kenyan potato and tomato smallholder farmers.